

Age Of Anger will help you understand the current state of the world better by explaining how we got to this present situation of upheaval we’re in and how we might stand a chance of making things better.
Age Of Ambition explains how China has gone from impoverished and only developing to a world superpower and economic powerhouse in only the last 30 years.
A Promised Land is former president Barack Obama’s memoir in which he tells the stories of his background, how he got into politics, and what it was like for him being the president from 2009 to 2017, including his role in the killing of Osama bin Laden and passing the Affordable Care Act.
A Higher Loyalty shares James Comey’s experiences as the director of the FBI and outlines what he learned about leadership, ethics, and politics throughout his life, career, and experiences with President Trump who was the reason he lost his job in May of 2017.
A First-Rate Madness shares the stories of many world leaders and explains how they prevailed despite their mental illnesses and struggles, showing you how to turn your psychological disadvantages into leadership strengths.
Winners Take All helps you see the ultra-rich in a more accurate light by identifying their shady strategies, including using the idea of “making the world a better place” as a front that only serves as a way to solidify their wealth and power.
The Power Of Myth is a book based on Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer’s popular 1988 documentary of the same name and explains where myths come from, why they are so common in society, how they’ve evolved, and what their important role even today in our ever-changing world.
Evicted reveals the awful situation of those living in the poorest cities in the United States by identifying how this situation came to be, the horrendous effect it has on the individuals and families that deal with it, and what we might do to stop it.
Everybody Lies will expand your mind about the true nature of human beings by explaining what big data is, how it came to be, and how we can use it to understand ourselves better.
Weird Parenting Wins will make you better at raising your kids by sharing some strange ways that fathers and mothers have had success with their children, helping you see that your intuition might just be the greatest tool you have at your disposal.
The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide will teach those who have a hard time talking to people how to gain confidence in navigating the workplace from job interview to office relationships.
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.
Come As You Are is sex educator Dr. Emily Nagoski’s explanation of the truth about female sexuality, including the hidden science of what turns women on, why it works, how to utilize this knowledge to improve your sex life, and why sexual myths make you feel inadequate in bed.
Broadcasting Happiness is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.
All About Love teaches you how to get more affection and connection in your relationships by explaining why true love is so difficult these days and how to combat the unrealistic expectations society has set up that makes it so hard.
Brotopia motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.
An American Sickness will motivate you to see what you can do to help improve the state of healthcare in the United States by blowing open the recent greed, corruption, and selfishness of healthcare companies.
You’re Not Listening is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.
You Are A Badass At Making Money will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.
The Confidence Code empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men.