Luke Rowley
No Logo uses four parts, including “No Space,” “No Choice,” “No Jobs,” and “No Logo,” to explain the growth of brand power since the 1980s, how the focus of companies on image rather than products has affected employees, and to identify those who fight against large corporations and their brands.
Luke Rowley
No Rules Rules explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibcility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.
Luke Rowley
Pivot will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.
Luke Rowley
Common Sense is a classic piece of US history that will help you see the importance of societies coming together to form a fair governmental system and how these ideas paved the way for the American revolution.
Luke Rowley
Four Hundred Souls tells the history of African Americans from the perspective of 90 authors who share insights on 400 years of conflict, oppression, and faith that with all the hard work of those fighting for equality, things would get better someday.
Luke Rowley
Lives Of The Stoics is Ryan Holiday’s latest book, in which he and co-author Stephen Hansel take a deep dive into the experiences and beliefs of some of the earliest philosophers and followers of stoic virtues like justice, courage, and temperance.
Jim Farina
Team Of Rivals explains why Abraham Lincoln rose above his political rivals despite their stronger reputations and how he used empathy to unite not just his enemies, but an entire country.
Luke Rowley
The Devil In The White City tells the story of Chicago in the late 1800s and how it had a chance to rise above terrible crime and social unrest when it won the bid to host the World’s Fair but instead ended up contributing to the creation of the world’s first known serial killer.
The Power Paradox frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.
Luke Rowley
Unlearn will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.
Tribal Leadership explains the various ways people function within organizations and teaches you how to lead change and improve your organization’s culture.
Nita Jain
What is ASMR? What does the science say about it? What does ASMR suggest about your personality and could it be used as a mental therapy?
Nita Jain
Can phone usage impact longevity? By raising levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol, excessive phone usage may also threaten our long-term health.
Nita Jain
We may come to find that the best medicine is that over which we have the most autonomy, our personal habits, if we are only willing to modify our behaviors and step into the sunlight...
Luke Rowley
Food Fix will help you eat healthier and improve the environment at the same time by explaining how bad our food is for us and our planet and what we can each do to fix these problems.
Luke Rowley
Eat To Live will help you lose weight, feel better, and live longer by identifying the flaws in what we think is true about nutrition and using science and case studies to reveal how certain foods affect us for better or worse.
Luke Rowley
Eat To Beat Disease will help you be healthier and fight off infection by identifying how food affects your immune system and what to put into your body that will make you more resilient against illness.
Luke Rowley
Eat Sleep Work Repeat identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.
Maria Deac
The Case Against Sugar advocates against the use of sugar in the food industry and offers a critical look at how this harmful substance took over the world under the eyes of our highest institutions, who are very well aware of its toxicity but choose to remain silent.
Maria Deac
Hiring Success highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.