

The Worldly Philosophers is your hands-on guide to economics, how the world works overall but especially from a financial point of view, what are the social and economic systems that existed throughout history, and how certain people’s concepts got to shape the world we know today.
The Undoing Project talks about the life and extensive research in the psychology of Kahneman and Tversky by bringing forth some of the most influential and groundbreaking discoveries they unveiled about human behavior and the biases in our decisions.
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.
The Art of Possibility explores the remarkable effects of an open mentality and being prepared to seize opportunities, allowing a variety of possibilities into your life, and finding solutions to problems by being a hopeful person.
One Decision explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.
Elite Minds delves into the idea of success and teaches you how to train your mind to tap into its highest potential, adopt a winning mentality, embrace the gifts you’ve been given and improve mental toughness.
Everyday Millionaires proves how anyone can become a millionaire if they have a solid actionable plan and the willingness to work hard by drawing conclusions from the largest study ever conducted on the lives of millionaires.
Cradle To Cradle uncovers the hidden problems with manufacturing, how they affect our planet, and what you can do to help by becoming eco-efficient.
Mindful Work is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.
Small Giants is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.
Empty Planet explains why overpopulation alarmists are wrong and how depopulation poses the more imminent threat to the happiness of humanity.
Rationality explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.
The Social Contract is a political piece of writing that serves as a pylon for the democracies of today, as it theorizes the elements of a free state where people agree to coexist with each other under the rules of a common body that represents the general will.
The Code Breaker summary details the life of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, who invented genome editing and changed health forever.
The Dawn of Everything is based on new discoveries made by scientists who are challenging some long-held beliefs about our history.
The 100-Year Life teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.
Keto Answers is your go-to guide on how to get started with the ketogenic diet, its positive implications on your health and proneness to diseases like diabetes, and a fact-based study that debunks myths and assumptions about following a low-carb diet.