Maria Deac
The Comfort Book explores how depression feels like and its effects on our mind and body, and how we can overcome it by taking small, but significant steps in that direction, starting with finding hope, being more present at the moment, and acknowledging that we’re enough.
Luke Rowley
Boys & Sex shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.
Luke Rowley
Raising A Secure Child teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.
The Biology of Belief is an overview of the recent findings in cellular biology, which are redefining the way we look at evolution, genetics and the nature of life.
Luke Rowley
Under Pressure uncovers the hidden anxieties and stresses that school-aged girls experience and what parents, educators, and all of us can do to help them break through it and succeed.
Luke Rowley
Boundaries explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.
Luke Rowley
Survival Of The Friendliest explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.
Luke Rowley
The Science Of Storytelling will make you better at persuasion, writing, and speaking by outlining the psychology of telling good tales, including why our brains like them and how to craft the perfect ones.
Maria Deac
The Decision-Making Blueprint is a comprehensive guide to making better decisions, avoiding errors and expensive mistakes, learning how to automate your mind to choose better alternatives, and ultimately, improving your life by upgrading the decision-making process.
Luke Rowley
The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober will help you have a happier and healthier life by persuasively revealing the many disadvantages of alcohol and the benefits of going without it permanently.
Luke Rowley
So You Want To Talk About Race will help you make the world a better, fairer place by explaining how deeply entrenched racism is in our culture today and giving specific tips for having effective conversations about it so you can help end this major issue with society.
Luke Rowley
Pandemic gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.
Luke Rowley
Doubt: A History is a fascinating look at the historical influence of doubt on science, religion, and the way we think today.
Luke Rowley
Braiding Sweetgrass offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.
Luke Rowley
The Double Helix tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.
Luke Rowley
Subscribed helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.
Clara Lobina
Game Changers reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy.
Nita Jain
What is ASMR? What does the science say about it? What does ASMR suggest about your personality and could it be used as a mental therapy?
Nita Jain
Can phone usage impact longevity? By raising levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol, excessive phone usage may also threaten our long-term health.
Nita Jain
We may come to find that the best medicine is that over which we have the most autonomy, our personal habits, if we are only willing to modify our behaviors and step into the sunlight...